Quoc Vu bio photo

Quoc Vu

Son, husband, father, and code addict.

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Quoc Vu's Resume

  • A collaborative, values-based leader and problem solver with a proven track record of delivering new v1.0 products.
  • Hands-on experience and pragmatic leader with a “get the work done” attitude.
  • Extensive experience in building teams from the ground up and setting agile development structures and processes for geographically distributed teams.
  • Value-based manager with strong leadership skills that engender team loyalty, passion, and dedication.
  • Sharp product vision, innovation, execution, and strong and diverse technology experience.

Director of Engineering

2016 - Present @SAP Ariba

  • Led multiple agile scrum teams (Dev and QA) across 4 locations (US, India, China, Brazil).
  • Led the development of XML database and Queueing as service.
  • Successfully migrated Ariba products from Oracle to SAP HANA with little customer impact. Ariba is today the biggest deployment of SAP HANA.
  • Extended ORM layer to support SAP HANA. Implemented new application simulation tools.
  • Revamping Ariba test infrastructure for public cloud readiness.
  • Enabled first Ariba application to run on public clouds (AWS & Azure).
  • Converted the on-premise CI/CD pipeline into an elastic app running on multiple public clouds.
  • Led data privacy, data protection, data encryption management for security initiatives for Ariba applications.
  • Actively coordinating the phased DB migration and adoption of new security standards across all products.
  • Advocate for Agile adoption and coaching teams for Agile transformation.
  • Active member of the Palo Alto Sustainability team.



HashiCorp Nomad, Consul, Terraform



SAP Hana



Kafka, Docker, AWS DynamoDB



Principal Engineer

2014 - 2016 @Intuit

  • Led the development of a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) company-wide platform on AWS CodePipeline.
  • Led the conversion of an existing Continuous Delivery application into multi-tenant SAS based application.
  • Deployed a highly available, disaster recovery capable, global installation of GitHub Enterprise to unify source code management across all Intuit's business units.
  • Brought Github into Intuit and unified previously fragmented source control management (Stash, Gitlab, SVN, Perforce) into one central instance resulting in drastic license cost saving and higher developer's collaboration and productivity.
  • Advocate and coach other teams on git, Github, and agile best practices.
  • Reduced developer's onboarding time via auto-provisioning cloud-based development playgrounds.
  • Active member of the GreenTeam working on reducing on-campus waste.



MongoDB, Node JS, Ansible, Chef



Member of Technical Staff 2

2012 - 2014 @X.Commerce (an Ebay/PayPal division)

  • Responsible for bootstrapping new initiatives within the company to expand our product offerings.
  • Developed a point of sales iOS application for a Magento store.
  • Developed an iOS application to administrate a Magento store.
  • Designed and developed a new unified API and Service framework enabling SOAP and REST interfaces for Magento services.









Head of Software Engineering

2008 - 2011 @Bloom Energy

  • Responsible for all software activities at Bloom Energy including development, operations, product management, QA, and release management.
  • Founded the Software development team at Bloom Energy. Hired and managed engineers and contractors between California and India.
  • Instituted a development and release process that resulted in continuous weekly releases over the course of 3+ years with minimal defects and almost no planning churn.
  • Provide software vision and leadership to the company including infrastructure, cyber and physical security, scalability to monitor and control megawatts fleet, integration with back-office business applications, and lowering operating cost through software and automation.
  • Architected a mission critical 24x7 distributed monitoring system (SCADA) for controlling, supervising and optimizing fuel cell operations over the internet allowing central operators to remotely monitor and control fuel cells installed across different states.
  • Developed an analytical platform for reporting, forecasting parts failure and maintenance schedule, and optimizing fleet energy generation.
  • Designed an abstraction layer to interact and control hardware components of the fuel cell.
  • Automated the control and monitoring of machines in the manufacturing factories.
  • Erected the first data center with hot backup hosting the SCADA application. Processing 3Gbps or real-time data coming from 200 customer sites.
  • Responsible for operations of all software running in the data center, manufacturing factories, and customer sites. Maintained 99.99% uptime in the past 24 months.






Senior Architect / Engineering Manager

2004 - 2008 @PayPal

  • Led several teams from different business areas: Funding Mix, Consumer Experience, Customer Service, Marketing Platform, and Merchant Risk Assessment and Management.
  • Managed distributed teams between California, Arizona, and India. Formed and groomed 3 new teams.
  • Responsible for architecture and technical design as well as project delivery and quality. Review, advise, and guide the technical design process. Enforce best practices in application development. Mentor and coach engineers for career growth as well as general people/team management activities.
  • Drive implementation of multiple simultaneous projects with a short 1-2 month development cycle. Hands-on project and resource management. Create and maintain project plan, tasks list, features list, bugs list. Assess risk mitigation.
  • Actively participate in defining road map for business units. Strategic planning to align business vision to system evolution. Work closely with 7 product managers simultaneously to define product features and priorities. Evaluate and review 3rd party applications.
  • Ensure our features run 24x7x365 and scale up to the activity of the website which currently accounts for over 125 million user accounts and process over 200 transactions per second. Resolve production issues when they arise.
  • Shipped over 120 features in 19 releases.






Personalization of Web Document Organization

International Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2003.



Logical Document Retrieval by 'Information Unit'

International Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2003.



Exploring Link Topology for Associating Web Pages

International Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2003.



System for Personalizing, Organizing and Managing Web Information

U.S. Patent 6,631,496



Method of Defining and Utilizing Logical Domains to Partition and to Reorganize Physical Domains

U.S. Patent 6,647,381



Linux, Javascript, CSS, HTML



Constructing Multi-Granular and Topic-Focused Web Site Maps

Proceedings of 10th World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, China, May 2001.



Retrieval and Organization of Web Documents by Information Unit

Proceedings of 10th World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong, China, May 2001.



Query Relaxation by Structure and Semantics for Retrieval of Logical Web Documents

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol 14(4), IEEE, 2001.



Personalized Navigation Trees

U.S. Patent 6,393,427



Principal Software Engineer

2001 - 2004 @Ariba

  • Work for the CTO to explore new innovative ideas to expand Ariba product line, improve inter-product integration and communication, and enrich product functionalities and usability.
  • Coordinate and advise on analytical and reporting initiative in other Ariba products.
  • Launched a new product, Ariba Analysis, to enable decision making personnel to quickly analyze their spend across the entire organization.
  • Responsible for the product back-end architecture including data loading automation, data loading mapping specifications, data extraction schemes, data cleansing process, data modeling, integration, customization mechanism.
  • Designed a mechanism (XML description based) to allow customers to extend their data model to their needs. Customizations persist thru upgrades. Customizations go from schema extension, data loading instructions, to report definitions.
  • Engineered data cleansing techniques (e.g. commodity and supplier classification) to enrich transactions (e.g. purchase orders, invoices) with addition valuable information.
  • Turned the 5th version of the product into a software as a service (SaaS) targeted to smaller customers.
  • Shipped 6 releases of Ariba Analysis that was implemented for over 35 customers generating over $55 million in revenue.



Defining Logical Domains in a Web Site

Proceedings of ACM Hypertext Conference 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2000.



Exploring Link Topology for Associating Web Pages

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on World Wide Web, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2000.



Method and apparatus for mining association rules having item constraints

U.S. Patent 6,061,682



Staff Engineer

2000 - 2001 @Selectica

  • Technical lead for a team between San Jose and India.
  • Responsible for the product architecture, design, functionalities, quality and delivery. Acting as product manager to define software roadmap, product goals and project scope.
  • Architected and developed a Decision Support System to analyze sales, configuration process, web visitor behavior, market trends, and consumers' buying behavior.
  • Designed and implemented a data warehouse logical and physical data model for mass reporting. Developed data extraction from Selectica click stream logs to load into the data warehouse using Informatica PowerMart.
  • Designed a user interface for report retrieval and management. Integration and automation of data collection, extraction and reports generation.
  • Designed a metadata layer to manage the entire application data. The metadata is stored in a RDBMS and can be imported from/exported to XML format.



PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management

Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 1999.



PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on World Wide Web, Toronto, Canada, 1999.



On Constructing Personalized Navigation Trees for Web Documents

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on World Wide Web, Toronto, Canada, 1999.



PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management

Computer Networks, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Elsvier Science, Vol 31(11-16), 1375-1389, 1999.



Sr. Research Associate

1998 - 1999 @NEC Computer & Communication Research Labs

  • Researched on web mining, information retrieval and knowledge/data management on hypertexts.
  • Developed an advanced centralized web bookmark system, which allows bookmarks sharing, automatic categorization, grouping similar bookmarks, complex queries using WQL a like SQL language.
  • Transferred the technology from PowerBookmarks prototype to NEC Software Division to be integrated with Web Content Manager product line. Obtained a research grant of $120,000 for this contribution.
  • Led 6 software engineers for technology transfer. Mentored 3 graduate interns.






Mining Association Rules with Item Constraints

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Newport Beach, California, USA, 1997.



A Fast Warping Algorithm for Correcting Local Distortions in Binary Images

Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing 96, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1996.



Research Associate

1996 - 1998 @IBM Almaden Research Center

  • Research on core data mining technology: association rules, sequential patterns, interactive classification and sparse high dimensional data clustering. Developed unique solutions, by leveraging IBM's data analysis and management capabilities, such as patents mining, and shape query and patterns overtime.
  • Transferred the technology to IBM Intelligent Miner award-winning data mining suite.
  • Developed tools to provide business intelligence to E-Commerce applications, such as web logs mining, which can be used for online ads targeting, and to provide tactical information to improve customer relationship management.
  • Developed a suite of store analysis reporting tools "Internet Sales Predictor" that allows the merchants to identify hot sellers, loss leaders, potential cross selling opportunities.



Research Associate

1995 - 1996 @Computer Research Institute of Montreal

  • Innovated and developed image processing and vision algorithms for map processing targeted to GIS applications.
  • Integrated a fast image-warping algorithm to an electrical monitoring system at M3i Inc for map correction and vectorization.
  • Developed a framework for creation and manipulation of intelligent autonomous agents communicating in KQML. Agents have learning capabilities and able to persist their knowledge at the termination time. Agents are created and manipulated through C++ or Java API.






Master in Science - Computer Science

1993 - 1996 @ University of Montreal (Canada)






Bachelor in Science - Computer Science

1990 - 1993 @ University of Montreal (Canada)



Mathematics Superior

1988 - 1990 @ Kleber College (France)